6 Reasons Why You Need to Install a Dashcam
Installing a dashcam, or dashboard camera has become increasingly popular in Saudi Arabia over the past few years for its numerous benefits. Mainly, car dashcams can defend motorists against improperly issued traffic violations and liability claims — which definitely keeps car insurance rates from going up. Yet, these high-quality cameras have a plethora of useful features and functions! That being said, let’s explore some of the notable reasons why you should install a dash cam and how having one could affect your car insurance claims.
Why Should You Install a Dashcam in Saudi?
Provides video evidence of accidents
If you don’t have a dashcam yet, you might change your mind soon after reading this! During a TV interview, Najm Insurance Services CEO, Muhammad Al Sulaiman said dashcams are an ideal solution for documenting car accidents that enables liability determination specialists; allowing post accident procedures to be more cut and dry
Without video evidence, car accident investigations can turn into a “he said she said” situation, and it can be really hard to prove if someone acted to avoid more serious harm. Furthermore, dash cams can provide indisputable proof of events in hit & run accidents.
As a matter of fact, Najm recently started utilizing body cams devices Najm for on-site accident surveillance. This technology enhances the accuracy of determining fault and ensures protecting all parties rights.
It helps you dispute traffic violation
How would you challenge a wrongfully-issued traffic violation? Despite the efficiency of the automatic traffic enforcement system in Saudi Arabia, errors can still occur. For example, Saher sometimes records and fines motorists turning right at red traffic light, or jumping a yellow signal — although it’s legal!
Not only do dashcams provide the footage, but it can also record accurate speed, time, and location data. Thus, you can use this footage to prove your innocence and evade these improper violations. If you successfully manage to dispute, you won’t have to pay a fine or worry about car insurance increases.
Keeps an eye on your car
A significant number of dashcams on the market can still record even when the car is off. Such cameras provide around-the-clock protection and surveillance for your car.
While they cost more, they provide indisputable evidence in cases of theft, vandalism, falling trees, or even arson. But, keep in mind what does your car insurance policy cover in the first place. This is a great feature if you don’t have a private garage to park your car. In most cases, the sight of dashcams alone can thwart many vandalism and car break-ins attempts
It puts an end to parking accidents (hopefully)
Parking lots is where most accidents happen. Whether you’re at work, the grocery store or even just grabbing a quick coffee. There will be people slamming their doors into the side of your car. Others will cause more damage when backing up. Unfortunately, some of these people would just drive away, rather than wait around for you to return or leave a note.
Obviously, the best solution to put an end to these accidents is to install a dashcam. A dashcam will efficiently record everything that happens when you leave your car unattended.
Fights insurance fraud
Car insurance fraud is one of the most critical issues Najm is trying to combat. Not only does the fraud impact insurance companies on a large scale, but it actually takes its toll on car drivers as well through higher insurance rates.
Overall, there are many way insurance fraud can happen. But mainly, fraudsters will deliberately crash their cars into yours for cash. This is a widely used fraud practice everywhere. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, dashcam footage is the best way to prove fraud. The bottom line, when you install a dashcam, you’re helping everyone!
Improves your driving skills
Most of us forget that dashcams are in fact, a double-edged sword; their recordings can either work in your favor or against you. In this way, dashcams can actually motivate drivers to obey traffic rules and be on their best behaviour.
If you manage to improve your driving skills, you lessen the possibility of at-fault accidents in the future. Plus, you can earn a No-Claim Discount can lower your insurance.
Another important reason why you should install a dashcam is that this will help you report undisciplined drivers. If you spot any violations on the road, send your recordings to Kollona Amn app.
Do You Still Have to Buy Insurance If You Install a Dashcam?
Undoubtedly, dash cams are great way to protect your car and provide evidence. However, they cannot replace car insurance for a number of reasons.
First of all, having car insurance is a legal requirement in Saudi Arabia. Secondly, when you are at-fault, insurance will protect you against third-party liability. Think about all the expensive repair bills! Similarly, in case your car is damaged due to an accident, insurance will also work to repair your car and pay your bills. Above all, having a valid car insurance policy means hassle-free post-accident procedures. Otherwise, payout process can be taxing.
To sum up, you can’t risk getting on the road without car insurance and a dashcam. Especially, in big busy cities where traffic is a daily occurrence — All these cars can up anyone’s chances of being in an accident!
Of course, it’s up to you to explore the many dashcams on the market and select the one that works best for you. Similarly, there are many options for car insurance, you can buy basic TPL coverage or get comprehensive, what matters is to abide by traffic rules.