Results found for Tag: Car insurance:

Car insurance price hike

What is Causing Car Insurance Rate Increases

Have you noticed a price hike at your local grocery store or favorite coffee shop? […]

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Adding an Additional Driver to Your Insurance

If you are reading this blog, chances are you won’t be the only person to […]

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Does Insurance Cover Accidents with an Expired License

In its simplest form, Murphy’s Laws state that everything that can go wrong will happen […]

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What’s the Difference between Insurance and Warranty

By and large, car insurance and warranty are closely related. The two are financial backups […]

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Eid Al Adha: Tips to Reduce Distracted Driving

Do you ever “zone out” while driving on highways and suddenly realize time has passed […]

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10 Things That Can Break an Insurance Contract

Car insurance is a legal requirement for every driver because it keeps everyone on the […]

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Insurance Don’ts: mistakes to avoid

Today, nearly everyone in Saudi needs to carry an insurance policy to protect their cars, […]

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How to Sell a Car in Saudi

According to HIS, the average car lifespan is now almost 12 years – or about […]

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Where Should You Park Your Car

In the sweltering summer, it’s a no-brainer why people try to avoid parking their cars […]

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